Are there any forums or support groups for people using Fliban 100 Mg?

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Are there any forums or support groups for people using Fliban 100 Mg? - Monday, June 24, 2024 6:01 AM
However, there are general online health forums and support groups where people discuss various medications and conditions, including Fliban 100. Here are a few places you might consider checking:
  1. Reddit: Reddit has various health-related subreddits where you might find discussions about Flibanserin. Subreddits like r/TwoXSex or r/sexover30 might have relevant discussions.
  2. Health Forums: Websites like, WebMD, or MedHelp have forums where people discuss medications and health conditions. You can search for Flibanserin or Addyi within these forums.
  3. Social Media: Platforms like Facebook might have private groups dedicated to sexual health or specific medications. Searching for "Flibanserin" or "Addyi" within Facebook groups might yield some results.
  4. Patient Advocacy Groups: Organizations focused on women's health or sexual health might have resources or online communities where people discuss treatments like Flibanserin. Examples include the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) or The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
  5. Healthcare Provider: Sometimes, healthcare providers or clinics have resources or can recommend support groups for patients using specific medications. It's worth asking your healthcare provider for recommendations.
Always ensure that any information or advice you find online is from reputable sources and consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance regarding the use of Flibanserin or any medication.