How can I help my ferret?

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How can I help my ferret? - Saturday, August 22, 2015 10:32 AM

I have a male ferret, named Max, who is almost 6 months old now. The older he gets, the more difficult he becomes, and I don't understand why. He still has all of his habits that he had back when he was a baby, and I've tried almost everything I can do to train him.
First of all, his playtime area is my room. I have all of my exposed cords blocked off and I actually put in the time to screw boards to the frame of my bed so he cannot get underneath it. It's not perfect, but it works. The rest of my room is free for him to roam under my supervision, ALWAYS. During playtime, I will pull out all of his toys, some of my hoodies for him to travel through, cardboard boxes for him to hide in, squeaky balls, and even some treats to spoil him. It's pretty ridiculous how many new toys and treats he gets all the time, actually. In fact, whenever he is thirsty during playtime, I will hold a water bottle, with ice in it, for him so he can drink out of it. He's pretty darn spoiled..
Well as this used be enough for him, it seems as if it's not anymore. During playtime now, he won't play with his toys anymore. He will just hide the newer ones and leave them alone for the rest of the time. Then he will either scratch at the corners of my bed until the carpet is raw, scratch at the door, bite the corners of my dresser, or knock things over. He doesn't play at all, he is just destructive all the time. I'm not sure why this behavior developed, but I can't seem to shake him out of it. I have scruffed him an uncountable number of times, told him "no" in a stern voice, and even put him in a cat carrier with nothing in it as a time out session. After being scolded, he will either go take a nap somewhere, or just carry on with whatever he was doing. 
Then after playtime, when he starts showing signs of being sleepy, I will put away all of his toys and literally tuck him in bed. He will curl up and act like he is going to sleep, but then 10 minutes later, he jumps up and starts rattling the cage. I've actually gone to the extent of cradling him to bed like a child, and he will just repeat the process. It doesn't make sense to me. I tried putting that "Apple Bitter Spray" on his cage to stop the cage biting, but he seems to have a reaction to it that doesn't make me feel right. Plus, there is a little bit of toxins in that stuff and it's just unsettling with me.
I've thought about buying him a playmate, but the risks scare me. I worry about him rejecting the new playmate, or further down the road, one of them passes away before the other and depression will effect the one left. Plus, I would want to buy a bigger cage for them to both live in. The overall price of another ferret and cage is adding up to be a lot.
I'm really running out of choices here and I'm at a loss of words. Could someone please give me advice on what step to take next? I refuse to give him up or let him be upset like this forever. This needs to be resolved.

<message edited by Audrazii on Saturday, August 22, 2015 10:38 AM>

Re:How can I help my ferret? - Sunday, August 23, 2015 5:38 PM
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Re:How can I help my ferret? - Monday, August 31, 2015 10:24 AM
Thanks for replying! Sorry I am barely just getting back to you. 

Max has a multi-level Kaytee cage that has 3 adjustable shelves. He will usually sleep at the top of the cage in a crinkly tunnel, so I leave a blanket covering the top of the cage at all times for him. But I live with multiple other people, and it's never quiet in my house. He has adjusted to the noise and is able to sleep through it if it's outside of my bedroom, but whatever happens inside of the room, he will usually wake up to. So on an average, Max will ask to be taken out of his cage about 4 times a day, and play for about 2 hours each. It isn't extremely terrible, but I am working part time and trying to finish school as well. So it can be difficult. I'm really only thinking about buying him a bigger cage in hopes to that he will play in it sometimes rather than just asking to free roam the room. He never uses his cage to play, only to sleep or eat.

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Re:How can I help my ferret? - Monday, August 31, 2015 2:32 PM
Hey there 

I have a male ferret ... hes only 4 months old but by being consistent with training and what you want from your ferret as well as respecting their own personality. Bruce thought me scruffing him was a game and it rile him up even more so now i hold his back against my sternum and say no bite or no whatever and if he continues to squirm i give him a light tap on the top of the head with my chin and so far its beenw working like a dream. If he comes to my feet to say hi ... i say hi back by picking him up and cradling him like a baby and rubbing underneath his mouth and rubbing behind his ears and baby talking to him ... if he squirms i continue to hold him until he settles down and as soon as he relaxes i put him down. If he stays were he is and looks at me or sniffs me then i will pick him up again ... if he lunges or bites me he gets picked up and i hold his back against my sternum and usong my right hand to support his head and prevent him from nipping and my left hand supports his hind legs. ... so far this has been working for me. 

Bruce has a 3 level ferret nation cage with two shelves... what i did was i took wire cutters and cut a hole on the side of the cage and attached hvac silver tubing and attached a big clear tupperware bin to it. He loves it and i got him stuff to hoard inside his box. Its lined with cozy bedding and i sometimes hide toys and treats in it to make it exciting. I also, once a week rearrange and rotate the toys in the cage to help deter boredom. I also take him outsode once a day (weather permitting) to roll in the sand or dirt and to exercise his digging soo he doesnt dig at the carpet in my house. Also the sand and dirt help him not to smell as badly aince the dirt and sand is absorbing all of his excess oils without having to wash him which done too often can strip important oils. 

Instead of having your ferrets cage just for eating and sleeping, make it fun for him so it can be eat sleep drink play and that should foster for a sence of secuirty and home. 

Im a new ferret mom and its been trial and error and research for me haha good luck :) 

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Re:How can I help my ferret? - Monday, August 31, 2015 2:36 PM
I forgot to mention ... sometimes i play with Bruce in his cage. Its like me visiting him at his home. I respect his space in his cage but biting is not acceptable but let him know that he can play in his cage.