Been gone for a while

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Been gone for a while - Sunday, November 16, 2014 3:18 PM
for a bit I thought I was going to have to give up my babies... but the local rescue refused them telling me that even if I could not care for them like I think they should be care for, I am the best home they could have. My three are rescues who all had a rough start. I feel bad as with my fading health and their tendancies to, well, be brats, they just don't get out of the cage for more than the quick snuggle.  Panda likes to hide under the book cases for days at a time. Merc likes to Google taking over the world. Mouse just goes straight for the dryer vent to rip it open and tempt the bald eagles who live behind the house with a snack. I have yet to find a room in my house they have not managed to get out of... so they are stuck in their cage. 

The good news is that hubby's new job is allowing me to make them the cage of my dreams... and soon they will have enough room to live happier. 
