Warm fuzzy thoughts

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Warm fuzzy thoughts - Monday, September 29, 2014 1:45 PM
As some of you know, I've been having a pretty rough time lately with my very first case of insulinoma. However things have gotten much better on that front and I've been doing a lot of reflection. Things like this are tough but I think of all that I've gained as a ferret caregiver... I couldn't get in with my regular vet on Saturday, so now I'm established with two vet offices in Sarasota and one in St. Petersburg. I've been in contact with various pharmacies that compound ferret meds. I've gotten lots of practice with one-the-fly soup prep and with syringe feeding. And of course, I've seen one of my ferrets bounce back from a very, very low place. So all in all, this experience could have been MUCH worse. I'm not even that behind in my classes :P I've also gotten through this only using one tiny, TINY dot of supplical the night before I was able to get my hands on some pred.

Oh yeah, I've also been guided through this process by Kim from Stinky Pete's Ferret Retreat who is a wonderful human and is so knowledgeable and great. She helped keep Nymphadora going through that first night until I could get to the vet in the morning - by the time she got there, her blood sugar was 22. TWENTY-TWO. I had been feeding her every two hours throughout the night. And she gave me info on pharmacy and stuff. If I ever have a penny to my name, it has Stinky Pete's name on it :P

So yeah, Nymphadora's doing pretty well. She's not really well enough to play with the other ferrets, but she has been moving around a lot and investigating things. She seems alert at all times - like, even when she's just sitting there I can tell that she's looking at me and not just zoned out. I hope she starts eating on her own soon...She might be too accustomed to liquid food by now to just start dry kibble without my help. But things are very much looking up :) I have put off introducing the new ferrets to the old ones because Nymphadora was under so much stress - I think the stress from their being around catalyzed her reaching her threshold of tolerance for the insulinoma. So hopefully I will be able to introduce them soon.

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Re:Warm fuzzy thoughts - Monday, September 29, 2014 11:54 PM
Glad that she's doing well, and congrats on the new ones (I think you were having trouble finding for a while, right? Sorry I was busy last week and less able to check forums).

It sounds like you're becoming a pro at handling her medical issues, which is great! Hope things continue to improve for you :)

Re:Warm fuzzy thoughts - Tuesday, September 30, 2014 7:53 AM
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