Ferret keeps waking up his brother

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Ferret keeps waking up his brother - Thursday, September 25, 2014 3:33 AM
I recently picked up a pair of ferrets who get along incredibly well.  One is about 5 months old, and the other about 2.5.  They play extremely well, but while the little one is trying to sleep, the bigger one keeps trying to play and harassing him.  

I always feel bad because you can tell he just wants to sleep and isn't having fun.  Is there anything I can do, or is this normal? Sometimes he will even grab him and pull him out of the sleep sack or hammock because he wants to play.

Re:Ferret keeps waking up his brother - Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:55 AM
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Re:Ferret keeps waking up his brother - Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:29 AM
They're out and playing somewhere between 6 and 9 hours a day, they're so energetic that every time I put them back they just jump into my arms to keep playing. They seem to never get tired! I have given them mostly free reign over the top floor of the house as long as I'm home, and I have been working from home so they're always playing,  they never curl up to go to bed out there either. Just run around 

Once they do crash, though they are out quick. It doesn't usually happen right away, as it usually happens after they both finally call asleep for a couple hours and he wakes up before his little brother does.  It just seems like he wants to play non stop and doesn't sleep much, as opposed to his baby brother who wants his sleep.