Sudden food aggression =(

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Sudden food aggression =( - Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:52 PM
So Diabound (10months,male) and Kura (5 months,female) are getting along well but Im afraid something is wrong with my boy. Hes lost a little weight since we got Kura but I've seen him eating and his stool hasn't changed. I have two food bowls and two water bottles in their conjoined cages that are filled regularly. Kura definitely sleeps more than Diabound so its not like shes hogging it and Ive never seen her be aggressive towards him. Diabound loves treats, Kura not so much. Lately whenever I get a chicken chew stick to split between them he will not only take his but he'll steal her half and run away with it (she doesnt really care though). Also any time I try to feed it to him by hand like I've done before he starts tugging at it, grabbing my hand, and hissing loudly. Its gotten to the point where hes bitten me very hard several times =( What can I do?