Hello From North Dakota!

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  • Joined: 8/21/2014
  • Location: North Dakota
Hello From North Dakota! - Thursday, August 21, 2014 6:23 PM
Hello, my name is Cynthia and I currently have three ferrets, a male and female born in December 2013 named Daisy and Duke, and a male born in June 2014 named Bear. I have been looking for an online site where I can share stories and information about ferrets so I hope this site works out for me. 

When I was younger my mother and I ended up adopting 5 ferrets from a couple and ever since I have always loved them as pets. When I moved out with my boyfriend he had never had anything except mice as pets and he is from California so unfortunately he had never gotten to experience the fun of owning a ferret. So, since we moved to North Dakota and they are legal here we decided to adopt one from Petco. The first ferret we got was Daisy. We brought her home and she immediately became comfortable with us and our apartment. The only thing is she was not interested in the type of food we got her so she refused to eat. So the next day we made a trip an hour and 45 minutes away to the pet store to pick up Marshall ferret food since that's what the pet store was feeding her and the only thing she would eat. While at the pet store we decided to stop and look at the other baby ferrets there and decided she'd probably be much happier with a friend so we ended up going to the pet store for ferret food and we left with that plus another ferret, Duke. They have been great pets. We have completely ferret proofed our apartment so while we are home we just open up their cage and they get to free run anywhere they want. We have a spare room but no use for it so we've collected boxes and tunnels and fun things for them to run and play in. Recently we went back to the pet store because I was actually looking into buying a sugar glider or two and I saw all the tiny baby ferrets... I had to leave, lol. So my boyfriend and I left and went to dinner, but afterwards I made him bring me back to the pet store and we adopted another ferret Bear. I have enjoyed having them as my pets and I love watching their personalities come out. Daisy is my goofy but sometimes stuck up teenager, always exploring and falling off things and god for bid you point your finger at her and say something because she will reply back by immediately stopping, starring you down, she gives a little hiss, then runs off like you're not the boss of me. She's sweet but sassy for sure. And Duke is my little scaredy cat. When we got him he was extremely skiddish. He didn't want to be held or touched. He ran from us and always stayed hidden under the couch or in any room we were not in. I believe it was from improper handling at the pet store. He even drew blood from my boyfriend and I a few times in the beginning. But he has come a long long way from that. At first we decided, "Okae well he'll be Daisy's pet, lol" since he was at least playing with her and cuddling in the cage. But slowly we got him to warm up to us and now he is just great. He never bites like he use to. An occasional harder bite when he is really hyper but we just say his name and he knows and stops. He really has become a great ferret, all he needed was time and someone to show him trust. Bear is the tiniest ferret I have ever owned. He is just a ball of crazy. I thought I was getting lucky and found a cuddler because the whole hour and 45 minutes drive home I just held him and he was so calm. But, that was all a act, lol. As soon as he set foot in my apartment he turned into a wild maniac. He GI Joe crawls around really fast and makes a lot of really funny noises. He is a nipper but I'm sure with time he will stop. He is very independent though. He is usually off exploring alone while Daisy and Duke like exploring together. The age difference may have something to do with that. But all three get along very well. At first I was worried about Duke because he seemed like he was getting very annoyed with Bear because he is so hyper and nips a lot. I watched them in and out of the cage for a few days and now Duke just lays there and takes it instead of trying to fight back. And when he did fight back I always made sure he was just teaching Bear the lesson, "enough is enough" and not actually trying to do damage to him. The only time I was worried was when they were in the cage awake while I was asleep. But it's been over a week now and nothing has happened and everything just seems like play fighting. 

But that is a little about my ferrets and how they came to be with me :)
<message edited by CynLC243 on Thursday, August 21, 2014 7:03 PM>
[Cynthia, Daisy, Duke, & Bear]