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 Thinking of adopting a ferret
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Thinking of adopting a ferret - Saturday, October 17, 2015 10:06 AM
I have loved ferrets for years now, but I've never owned one. Of course I've wanted one as a pet, but I never really thought it was a practical animal to have. But recently I have been researching keeping them as pets, and have read that they are an excellent animal to keep. So now I very much want one. I have found a nearby ferret rescue centre, and was thinking of going there to maybe handle a ferret and see what they're like. I've also found a nice big cage for it, and the perfect room in my house for it to be let out in. But I have a few questions. First, do ferrets smell? I am worried because bad smells really put me off. My friend has a dog, and even though it's very cute, its smell makes me gag. Second, I already have a cat. I know people have cats and ferrets that live together happily, but the only problem is that my cat is ALWAYS in my room (where I'm planning to put the ferret). If I am away in the day, will it be a problem to leave them alone together? Of course I will put the ferret in a cage while I'm out, but still. Finally, are ferrets affectionate? One main reason I want a ferret is because I've been told they're very playful. Do they like being handled and petted? 
Thank you
P.S any ferret name suggestions will be appreciated! 


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Re:Thinking of adopting a ferret - Sunday, October 18, 2015 11:55 PM
Ferrets are wonderful pets to have, I wouldn't so much say that they smell, they have a natural musky odour, but that can be controlled with proper litter and cage cleanings, and a bath every couple months. You may have an issue putting the ferret and cat together alone in your room because the cat may become territorial because it was in the bedroom first.  That is the cats space. They are lovely and usually affectionate, but each ferret is different and has their own distinct personality. My 13 week old silver and panda boy Mushu loves to get out and run around and play with you, but he only likes to cuddle and be handled a lot when it's nearing his sleep time, he loves to be out on his leash though. 

My best advice is to go se the ferrets find one that really speaks to you and see if you still want one. These animals are a lifetime commitment

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Re:Thinking of adopting a ferret - Monday, October 19, 2015 4:29 PM
I have two cats and 3 ferrets. The cats and the ferrets get along to the point where I can trust the cats alone with the ferrets (even though the one does not like them) for a day if I want to. Usually I put them in the cage if I'm leaving for a weekend, but otherwise I have made sure that I close the ferrets into the kitchen at night or if I leave the house for a day and then the cats have their free reign, they can go as they please. This was only after a long time of watching how they interacted with eachother and determining the danger level for both and every cat and ferret is different so you might not know for sure until you try to introduce one.

 I would not leave the cat and the ferret alone in your room with the ferret out of the cage, because as MushusMomma stated it is the cats space. HOWEVER it doesn't mean the cage cannot be in there or that the ferret cannot be out of the cage with the cat in there, but you should let your ferret explore the room without the cat the first few times, and any other areas that the ferret will be allowed. 

As for smell, I think you will be pleasantly suprised at how untrue that the notion of ferret's stinking is. I was also worried about this, but I washed them when we brought them home first and all it is it litter changing and some baths occasionally to lessen the musk. Also cleaning their blankets frequently also helps. I've noticed if I forget to clean their blankets for a while, if I wash them they get the smell back quickly because all of the blankets smell like it. So it's just normal pet care. I also do not like the smell of most dogs (aside from people who bathe them monthly unless they get messy) and the ferrets don't bother me. It isn't like your clothing is going to smell like them either, unless you don't wash your clothes. 

Ferrets are affectionate but like any animal each is different. When we brought Bear home he had been returned from the petstore for biting the kid who first took him home, we knew this and realized he was just like any other kit and likes to bite a lot. He almost never bites me now that he's been taught that's wrong, and despite being the most bitey as a baby, he is not the most affectionate. He likes to be held and occasionally takes naps while my husband takes a nap on our bed. He likes to sleep on his neck like a scarf, or in a little ball on his chest. It's cute. Sometimes he lets me hold him while he sleeps in a blanket on my lap. That being said, they aren't necessarily affectionate like cats (since you have a cat and can relate). They don't actively seek me out like the cats do unless they want to play. While they do come over to me while I'm at my desk or in the kitchen, usually they just want acknowledged and played with a little then left to go do their mischeif. Of course, this is just my ferrets and others may have different ones. Our third ferret, Rambo was never wanting to be held for more than 3 seconds when we first got him and now I can carry him around and he's pretty chill. I imagine with age he will be a cuddler but he just has too much energy right now.

With a rescue ferret you'll most likely be getting one past the kit phase of life so a little more calm (not that they're "calm" lol) and perhaps more affectionate than the babies, but like any rescue animal give them time to learn you and open up. I think going to a rescue to handle them is a great idea, but be mindful that they most likely will smell stronger there than at home. It may also give you time to bond with one and make a good decision :) He may come with a name you already like too, so keep that idea open! I think mine know their names, lol.

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